Hunter Lipscomb
Professional Background
Well-versed in federal and state legislative, appropriations, and programs, Hunter brings 12 years of governmental and economic development experience to AnderCorp.
He previously served as Chief Of Staff on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., managing a team focused on disaster, national security, and commerce-related federal appropriations.
Before his time as Chief Of Staff, Hunter served as Director of Legislative Affairs at Mississippi Development Authority, the state’s lead economic development agency, where he represented the agency in front of the Legislature, the Congressional Delegation, and collaborated with federal officials and academia to integrate and leverage military installations and NASA Stennis Space Center.
Hunter completed his undergraduate and graduate education at Mississippi State University and earned a graduate degree from the University of Southern Mississippi. He is an officer in the Mississippi Air National Guard and is a veteran of Operation Inherent Resolve. Drawing on his government and external affairs background, Hunter supports AnderCorp and our clients in formulating business strategies and approaches to ensure successful undertakings.